Reviewing the URLs on your website

It’s very critical with the economic troubles that one is bound to get out of digital marketing as much as one can, therefore, ensuring website audits, a great way for making sure all value that lies in what they already have has been extracted, their visitors get smooth and positive experience on your website. This involves making the best out of the resources one already possesses and perfecting the whole experience of using. What is a website audit? A website audit is essentially a check-up on your site’s performance before diving into major SEO work or redesigning your site. It helps you figure out if your website is set up to […]

Managing Sale Pricing for Items in Shopify

When you lower the price of an item, it is good to have the original price for the customer to immediately notice the sale.To add a sale price, go to your Shopify admin and into the Compare-at price field. Simply enter the original price of the product. Ensure that the Compare-at price is greater than the sale price you entered so that the discount is evident.Just to remember, sale price is somewhat different from the discount. By using both the sale price and compare-at price, customers can see both of these prices when they view a product or its collection. During checkout, they will only be shown the sale price, giving them the discount amount. That’s a rather simple way of showing your promotion and the actual savings. What’s the point of setting sale prices for your products? […]